Hey! Thanks to the whole Reddit mess, I’ve discovered the fediverse and its increidible wonders and I’m lovin’ it :D

I’ve seen another post about karma, and after reading the comments, I can see there is a strong opinion against it (which I do share). I’d love to hear your opinions, what other method/s would you guys implement? If any ofc

  • @Beliriel
    22 years ago

    I mean was that really bad? I heard slashdot died when it tried to change their system?

    • TeoTwawki
      22 years ago

      That doesn’t mean it was really all that effective in letting the cream rise and the crap sink. More often than not perfectly reasonable comments would get crapped on but some random BS someone found funny as soon as it was posted would get to the top.

      Honestly it wasn’t terrible, most of the time. But that’s more saying “eh, coulda been worse”.

      Eventually it was “worse”, because people being given tools to anonymously judge each other fosters a culture where they do exactly that while finding more reason to. And then they crave the dopamine hit for it without realizing. and if you later try and take that away by changing things that doesn’t go well either. Most of the types of ppl I used to encounter on slashdot, I started encountering on reddit instead. I really don’t want to encounter them on Lemmy too soon.