• @AA5B
    57 months ago

    I’m excited for the “features” on the thermostat card and CalDAV support! Now I just need to set aside time ……. And answered: my kids are doing a thing all weekend so I’ll be the only one home!

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      I really thought I would love the new tile card for the thermostat but in reality, it’s been 24 hours since I updated and I’ve accidently fucked my temperature setting up at least 5 times already.

      I access my dashboard through my phone and it’s way too easy to grab the temperature handles while trying to scroll the dashboard. I’m not sure how I’m going to fix this yet.

    • @EatYouWell
      17 months ago

      Me too. I have my hvac system pretty customized, so it’ll be nice to get eyes on the hvac and fan actions. I hope they make them available in the history view too