• 🐱TheCat
    10 months ago

    Please, tell me you’re a child who knows nothing about the US electoral system without telling me. People like you got us Trump

    Too much of a baby to read and understand the spoiler effect that comes with FPTP? Too impatient and short-sighted to push for election reform (RCV or approval voting) and just want some low effort immediate option that requires nothing more than casting a vote? Child. Democracies require effort to survive.

    • @FireTower
      010 months ago

      You’re looking at 3rd party votes in the wrong light.

      They’re an effective means of voicing discontent with the candidates from the two largest party. Unlike the third of Americans who don’t vote 3rd party votes demonstrate a willingness to go out and vote along with their discontent in the platform of the two largest parties.

      We aren’t going to get RCV by just waiting for it to happen. It’ll take actual work.

      And calling people who have different opinions from you on the Internet ‘child’ isn’t going to get them to agree with you.

      • 🐱TheCat
        09 months ago

        Yeah I’m comparing 3rd party votes to voting for the less harmful duopoly + activism, you’re comparing it to doing nothing.

        You’re right voting 3rd party is better than doing absolutely nothing. What a high bar