• @Aggravationstation
    7 months ago

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of the Tories.

    But you’re acting as if the BBC is some sort of benevolent public service working in the best interests of the country that the Conservatives are trying to bring down.

    It’s truly a for-profit endeavour which hides horrific practices under the guise of caring about the nation and deludes the real workers in society into supporting it just so those at the very top profit obscenely. Sound familiar?

    The BBC and the Conservative party are both dinosaurs of a bygone era slowly wheezing their last breaths as they become irrelevant in their respective spaces. All I can say is it’s about damn time.

    • @killeronthecorner
      7 months ago

      You really need to read back what I said because i didn’t sing any praises of the BBC in any of my comments, nor really say anything about them at all.

      I agree with some of what you said, I don’t know enough about their for profit endeavors to comment.

      Regardless, my prior comments were entirely directed at the Tory party. The BBC are just another example of their classic three step death-by-a-thousand-cuts privitisation plan.

      Their potential or confirmed crimes don’t matter. The enemy of my enemy is, in this case, very much NOT my friend.

      • @Aggravationstation
        17 months ago

        So we both hate the BBC and the Tories. I’ll drink to that.

        • @killeronthecorner
          7 months ago

          I don’t hate them. But I don’t think TV licensing is ethical, practical, or sustainable, so I’m right with you there.