At the moment I’ve got frigate running on an old dell server through proxmox, writing to drives on that server, but they are shared with a lot of other services.

I’d like to separate it and have a machine that is kinda just acting as a full NVR and writing to it’s own drives.

Anybody have any suggestions for one? Are the mini PC’s any good or I guess they wouldn’t hold enough drives to have plenty of storage.

  • @Humanoid
    22 years ago

    I just finished swapping to frigate on unraid with a ryzen 3700x from trying eyemotion. I liked eyemotion but have coral support made the choice once I was able to get a coral m-pcie (using with a pcix1 adapter) since the m2s were back order so bad.

    I have 3 cameras all which are 1080p 15fps and a doorbell cam which uses a 4:3 ratio. I was averaging around 9-10% cpu per camera. I then added a gtx 1060 6gb and they dropped to 2% or under for cpu and the gpu usage is only 2% gpu and 10% memory.

    I’m planning on moving Plex from a standalone box it’s on now to the unraid box since the gpu usage is so low.