If you type an @ followed by a username, it will give you a list of all the users matching what you’re typing, and if you pick one it will create the link for you. Mine is @AFKBRBChocolate@lemmy.world . It shows up with the @@ notation, but goes to https://lemmy.world/u/AFKBRBChocolate.
Yep! And this year my reading has ramped way, way up. I’m probably reading a novel about every five days or so now.
Last night I tried something interesting: I gave Google Bard a list of books I read and enjoyed recently and asked it for some recommendations for other books I might enjoy. I have to give it pretty high marks; the first few it recommended were books I’d read earlier and really enjoyed. There were a number of books on its list I hadn’t heard of, so I’ll probably give those a try and see how it did.
If you type an @ followed by a username, it will give you a list of all the users matching what you’re typing, and if you pick one it will create the link for you. Mine is @AFKBRBChocolate@lemmy.world . It shows up with the @@ notation, but goes to https://lemmy.world/u/AFKBRBChocolate.
I’m a manager in aerospace too, by the way.
Not working for me in a browser.
Weird, browser is what I use, too.
Screenshot after typing @afk :
Well crud. That was the behavior I was expecting.
Thanks very much!
That’s awesome! I see from your profile you’re a science fiction fan too 🤝
Yep! And this year my reading has ramped way, way up. I’m probably reading a novel about every five days or so now.
Last night I tried something interesting: I gave Google Bard a list of books I read and enjoyed recently and asked it for some recommendations for other books I might enjoy. I have to give it pretty high marks; the first few it recommended were books I’d read earlier and really enjoyed. There were a number of books on its list I hadn’t heard of, so I’ll probably give those a try and see how it did.
That’s an awesome idea! I’ll try it.