• @banneryear1868
    710 months ago

    Sort of ignorant to how “sewage” is actually used as fertilizer, the same microbial processes that make animal sewage safe can make human sewage safe. Anyone with a septic system on their home sees how this works.

    Mushrooms are also grown in literal shit but it’s steam sterilized.

    • @candybrie
      10 months ago

      We’re strongly advised not to grow anything edible within 10’ of our septic leach field. I don’t see how septic shows the average home owner that human sewage can be made safe.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      That is cow shit, not human shit. It’s already safe, it’s just grass and the bacteria that ferment it. Human waste has human pathogens in it.

      Carnivore waste in general is more foul and we have an instinctive disgust response to it.

      Farm anecdote time, if you wipe out and fall in cow shit it’s like “lol I got cow shit all over me better take a shower when we’re done” but if you even step in dog shit it’s “oh nasty hang on I got dog shit on my boot I gotta scrape it off right now”