• @n3m37h
    1 year ago

    Removed by mod

    • @makeshiftreaper
      201 year ago

      Obamacare wasn’t supposed to be free healthcare. It was designed to offer a government alternative to for-profit healthcare that forced private entities to compete with a group that didn’t care about profit. Universal Healthcare has never been a policy of any major party in America despite its overwhelming popularity and the fact that it has been done in the vast, vast majority of first world nations. Neither Clinton nor Biden ran on universal healthcare

      It’s really easy to beat a strawman in a fight my guy, why don’t you try backing up your criticisms with evidence?

      • @n3m37h
        1 year ago

        Removed by mod

        • @makeshiftreaper
          41 year ago

          You can’t just say a legitimate argument is invalid because you think it is. That’s not what executive orders do. First and foremost they couldn’t even wipe away 10k of student loan debt via executive order without the courts striking it down, you think he can just wave a hand and make a 1.6 trillion dollar industry disappear overnight? Even if that was in his power, you need a whole plan to phase out private insurance, phase in government programs to replace them, find funding, staff, buildings, and all the other stuff. The president runs the executive branch, which is in charge of the day to day running of the country. What you’re suggesting is likely a 15 year+ program which is congress’ responsibility to arrange and fund. Also, anything accomplished via executive order can be undone just as easily by one, so if a petulant manchild ends up in office they could undo all that day 1, so it has no long term viability.

          Finally, this is exactly the shit we’re irritated about. I don’t like democrats! I don’t like Biden! However, I have to sit here and defend minutia about how he’s running things, the specifics of his policy, justify inaction, and more while his primary competition suggests people inject bleach, spends more time in court than out of it, has openly declared his intention to become a dictator, and actively tried to overthrow the government. Why is this a conversation? One guy sucks and the other is an actual threat to our democracy, this shouldn’t be a debate

      • @[email protected]
        -81 year ago

        Obamacare wasn’t supposed to be free healthcare. It was designed to offer a government alternative to for-profit healthcare

        Well, it didn’t do that either. What it did do (along with some seriously good things) is make the health insurance industry a whole lot more profitable. Of course it’s middle class Americans paying for it. It also capped profits and expenses as a percentage of premiums. That was purportedly to contain costs, but instead it means they need to spend more on healthcare to make more profits. Suddenly, healthcare became big business too. Wall Street is buying up all the providers and starting to turn the screws on doctors, nurses, and patients. The whole healthcare system is going to shit, and it’s happening fast.

        The reforms of the ACA were sorely needed, but they were a temporary fix. For profit healthcare is a complete and total failure, and even a public option wouldn’t have changed that. The Democratic establishment is standing in the way of real reform just as much as the Republican establishment. Biden is among the worst of either party on this issue.

    • Dale
      161 year ago

      You might be interested to know that Obamacare was originally Clinton’s plan and the Obama administration finished the job

      • @Dkarma
        -131 year ago

        You spelled Romney wrong…lol. The Clinton’s stole it from mittens.

        • Dale
          41 year ago

          Don’t remember a president Romney…

          • @Dkarma
            1 year ago

            He was governor of Massachusetts u dolt I don’t remember a Clinton healthcare plan…

        • @[email protected]
          91 year ago

          I can’t understand the “2 sides of the same coin” argument. Are you not paying attention?

          One party makes slow progress towards improving things. The other party rapidly destroys things and is proud of it.

          It feels like the “both sides” argument stems from things not being perfect, so “I’m not going to consider nuance, just the fact that things aren’t perfect”.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            I guess we’re gonna have a bunch of surprised pikachu faces again when the next Fascist is elected.

          • @[email protected]
            -41 year ago

            Ican’t understand the “2 sides of the same coin” argument. Are you not paying attention?

            Maybe asking someone who actually made that argument would get you a better answer, but sure, I’ll give it a go.

            One party makes slow progress towards improving things.

            Nonsense. The Democratic establishment throws the people a bone when they have to, but they are elitists who serve what they perceive to be the elite class. Every solution they offer, first and foremost, guarantees a massive cash flow into the pockets of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the billionaire class. They will never acknowledge that any adversarial relationship exists between working Americans and the ultra wealthy. Every solution caters to power and keeps the proles poor but docile.

            The last several decades of Democrats slowly making things better have resulted in most things getting far worse for most Americans. The fundamental problem is the wealthy have been waging a class war, and the Democrats won’t even acknowledge it. That is what was behind the massive “Anybody but Bernie” effort in 2020.

            We are in a “emperor has no clothes” situation. Lots of Americans have seen through the Democratic finery and the “just not perfect” obfuscations. Generally speaking, those that understand the dynamics behind what they are seeing are the left wing progressives, and those that don’t are the far right fascists.

            Wherever neoliberalism and technocratic elitism go, fascism is never far behind. We have seen it for over a century,and it’s playing out over and over all around the globe. Neoliberals aren’t fascists, but they plant the seeds.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              The fundamental problem is the wealthy have been waging a class war, and the Democrats won’t even acknowledge it.

              The Democrats won’t even acknowledge it. The Republicans are leading the other side.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                The era of big government is over.

                A quote from Bill Clinton, the president most responsible for the dismantling of the Federal welfare system.

                We must look forward, not backwards.

                That one if from Obama when he chose not to seek prosecutions against the Wall Street criminals who crashed the world economy, thus dooming us to repeat the process. (As if crimes are ever punished in advance.)

                Who is leading the opposition again? Democrats are the party of working Americans, or their leadership is the enemy of working Americans. It can’t be both.

                Corruption in the Democratic party not only is the primary obstacle to a better world, it also makes them politically weak. Their weakness it what gives rise to fascism and allows the Republican party to be the absolute shit party that it is. The enemy of my enemy isn’t always my friend.

    • @workerONE
      1 year ago

      Biden passed the infrastructure bill which was a major accomplishment.