Just some mushrooms I spotted hiking in Sweden.

Canon Rebel T3 | F5.6 | 1/320s | ISO 1000 | 250mm

  • @L3mmyW1nksOP
    210 months ago

    Cheers! I often wish to be able to identify and differentiate mushrooms properly. Free food! For the original pic I tried and got ‘close enough’. Very common stuff.

    Being fatter than any in all thode reference photos probably doesn’t count as an important property?

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Being fatter than any in all thode reference photos probably doesn’t count as an important property?

      As you’ve surely learned from the other thread, correctly identifying is rarely clear cut. There can be all kinds of variations, so no within a certain margin, size would only be a hint at best.