It also seems clear that the dispute, which centres on control of the Essequibo region in western Guyana, a sparsely populated area the size of Greece that constitutes about two-thirds of Guyanese territory, is mostly about oil. In 2015, the US oil giant, ExxonMobil, discovered a big field off Guyana’s coast, largely within its exclusive economic zone.

The discovery has swollen Guyana’s estimated oil reserves to about 11bn barrels.

  • @cyd
    27 months ago

    They’re LARPing as imperialists, maybe, but realistically as soon as they try anything, they will get stomped harder than Saddam Hussein during Gulf War 1.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      IMO, that government has already been stomped, but it’s propped up somehow. Venezuela has lost about 10% of its population over last few years and it’s currency is inflated badly. It just doesn’t make sense how that man is still in power.