• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Commenting to take notes of movies that weren’t ruined by useless sequels.

    I wasn’t really surprised it didn’t get a sequel but I remember that “The golden compass” was made to have sequels from the get go and i think even ended with a cliffhanger, or maybe not. I juste remember feeling like the story was cut short. I didn’t feel this with the Harry potter movies despite being another adaptation of a book, so they probably screwed up.

    • @cowfodder
      1810 months ago

      His dark materials on HBO

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        thanks. The “on HBO” made me miss the feeling of trying to catch the episodes of my favorite shows on tv when kid. I rarely would , but it was an adventure.

    • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
      10 months ago

      It’s based on the first book of a trilogy, the series is called His Dark Materials, and was a fucking travesty of a film adaptation. I’m honestly glad they didn’t go forward with the rest, I doubt they would have handled the other two any better.

      I can’t speak on Amazons attempt, haven’t gotten around to it yet, but can recommend the books. They’re a good read.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        His dark Materials? Now, that’s a catchy name.

        I really liked the world shown in the movie so will certainly give it a read.

        • loobkoob
          1010 months ago

          BBC/HBO did a TV adaptation of the full series, aptly called “His Dark Materials”. I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as I did the books, but it was a good adaptation (and much better than The Golden Compass).

          The books won a bunch of awards and were very well received when they released. The first one, Northern Lights (The Golden Compass in the US) came out in 1995 so it was fairly popular for a few years as the “premier” young adult novel, but it ended up being dwarfed in popularity by Harry Potter once that released (as did, well, everything else on the planet).

          I think the books were a little less popular and well-received in America. In part because Philip Pullman is a British author, so obviously he got more attention here in the UK. But also, quite a few Christian groups - particularly in America because, let’s be honest, most evangelical Christian groups are American - took issue with His Dark Materials’ world and themes. It doesn’t paint the church in a good light at all, and the series’ God analogue, The Authority, is pretty tyrannical. Although, funnily enough, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, was one of the biggest supporters of the series - he felt it basically highlighted the dangers of dogmatism and attacked the ways religion could be used to oppress rather than Christianity itself - so obviously not all Christians were offended by the series.

          Anyway, yes! Not only is the world fantastic (and it only gets more interesting and wild as the series goes on) but it also handles the characters really well. The way it handles the main characters - children who age into teenagers throughout the series - developing feelings for each other and discovering sexuality was done in a really thoughtful and age-appropriate way (for the characters and the audience). It addresses some interesting philosophical concepts, too, including some religious ones - I’d say the spirit, the body and the soul is a pretty key theme throughout, albeit not necessarily in the same way Christianity approaches it

          I’d start by reading the books - Northern Lights/The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass - and then watch the TV series. He’s also written other books in the world - some novellas, and (currently) two out of three books in a second trilogy called “The Book Of Dust”.

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            Well said! I read the books long before the first movie, and have seen all the screen adaptations, and pretty much agree with you. Hell, my 12 year old Border Collie is named Lyra! However, I actually mostly enjoyed HBOs TV series, even with all the changes and such, which i was expecting because it was a screen adaptation. Didn’t much care for the new characters, but i was able to get over it because of all the other parts that were well done. They did a great job appropriately making you dislike Ms. Coulter! I forgot all about the newer books, though! Thanks for the reminder!

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            I read Lyra’s Oxford but there were more?

            Also, you talk about “themes and world building not paining the church in a good light”, and I am just here to say, that’s a hell of an understatement. The primary mythic fantasy war is about a guy going to war with God. Capitol ‘G’ god the father God. In the end,


            “God” is revealed to the a senile old angel. He also lied about creating anything; he just spawned from the dust first. The war in heaven was really about if they should let him die, or maintain the illusion.

            I believe I read somewhere Philip Pullman intended to create the anti Narnia.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        The books were so good! My whole family plowed through them. Movie/tv had none of the…page turning excitement of Philip Pullman’s books.