What’s going right this week? Something you need to celebrate, or just found a Charlie Bighams ready meal with a yellow sticker?

Let us know, and bask in your fortune!

  • Finnbot
    21 year ago

    Nice one! My second youngest is in the same boat. I’m super nervous about when they start Academy in Augst as they’re non-binary - they’re super excited though!

    Supposed to have a big leavers do this afternoon but as we’re all unwell I don’t fancy spreading it around for everyone to begin their time off with!

    • rubikcuber
      21 year ago

      Send them my best wishes. Both my niblings are trans but it’s not something either of them understood or appreciated until nearer the end of high school. The youngest did great and is off to Uni this year. The eldest had quite a hard time. It’s great that your youngest is starting high school with an understanding of themselves, and also that the support structures many schools have are much better than they were just 6 years ago. Hoping that they have a great time.