Sometimes my mind is stirred up and some relatively persistent fear emerges. It’s relatively weak at first, but intuitively I sense that the fear already has some authenticity and it demands more attention and if I give in I’ll end up dwelling on it, it will grow, and possibly manifest as one or another unwelcome appearance or pattern that might be harder to get rid of later when it’s no longer just a feeling (or a feeling+idea).

So I realized that trying to deny or to straightforwardly banish or to push out the feeling is sometimes not effective for me. I can quickly banish or dissolve most fears when they occur, but once in a while I do come across a rather stubborn one (or even a particularly “convincing” one).

And then I found a little handy device. I realized that if the feeling is too well rooted to just summarily dump it, what I can do instead is domesticate it.

I visualize a box and then I open this box and put my worried feeling (or feeling+idea) into this box and lock it. Then I lovingly and carefully store the box on a mental shelf. So, the idea is, I’m not getting rid of the bad feeling, and I am also not pretending that I don’t have it. Instead I frame it in a way that makes it contained and makes it unable to grow. It becomes more like a pet or a scientific sample instead of a wild beast.

And these boxes don’t need to be permanent. The idea is to tame the feeling to level off the brunt of its strength and to channel its “energy” into something tame. Once the feeling is properly channeled and tamed, it’s OK to forget it, or to deliberately dissolve the box with the feeling in it. So the idea is not to keep these boxes forever, no, but to tame feelings (or feeling+idea bundles) that are too wild and too powerful to just eliminate on the spot as they occur.

It’s too early for me to tell if this affects manifestation very significantly, but one thing I can vouch for is that it gives a huge peace of mind and a sense of control over feelings I’d normally struggle with when attempting to outright negate/banish/dissolve head on. By using a redirect-the-flow attitude I can frame and tame the charged feeling instead, which is easier. If any of you studied any tai chi concepts, it’s the same as: by using a small force one can lead a larger one. Direct opposition is avoided in this method.

  • @syncretik
    2 years ago

    “Taming the hard to control feeling.”

    Originally posted by u/mindseal on 2016-10-26 13:41:14 (59f8bw).