Wo ja gerade in Tateinheit mit #denxte und @HHU über #KI und #ChatGPT gemutmaßt wird…u.a. der #Wobbly#Chomsky von den @iwwunion hat sich im Sonderheft des #philomag dazu geäußert. Heute im Schaufenster des Gewerkschaftslokals #V6 in Düsseldorf-Unterbilk:
@fu@iwwunion@HHU If the Chomsky interview is meant, I’m afraid no. Not even a German version yet, despite the fact the Philomag is available in a German version, including the special issues. It will take some time since the AI issue is translated and available. @philosophy
@antars @HHU @iwwunion anyplace to find this article online, preferably in English?
@fu @iwwunion @HHU If the Chomsky interview is meant, I’m afraid no. Not even a German version yet, despite the fact the Philomag is available in a German version, including the special issues. It will take some time since the AI issue is translated and available. @philosophy