I was walking around in a park and decided to apply a transformation to my experience when I kept hearing an annoying siren that just wouldn’t shut up.

As soon as I decided that, the siren started to get quieter, with some subtle ups and downs in volume, but trending downward in volume. But this wasn’t happening fast enough for my liking. So I was then focusing this way and that, and I was adjusting my mentality like this and like that to make it go faster. And then it struck me.

It struck me that the reason I was doing that is because on some level I was still assuming that magick is something objective, and then it was my job to find the one right way to do it. I had to match my activity to something I imagined to be objectively the most effective way of performing a transformation.

Then I realized the idiocy of that belief and I found it funny how I still continued to believe it on some level even though I know better. I’m not even sure I’ve learned my lesson. It’s entirely possible the next time some transformation doesn’t work fast enough, I’ll be trying to “tune” it, lol. I hope not. At minimum I shouldn’t tune anything with the idea that I’m matching what I am doing to some external unbending and eternal standard.

  • @syncretikOPM
    11 year ago

    Yes you could say it’s a change but all you’re doing is making an intent, that’s a first step you’ve always been taking and you don’t do anything after that.

    That’s what my original submission was saying in the first place.

    How useful is it to notice how your experience is now if your intent is for it to be something else? Is there value in comparing experiences between a ‘now’ and a ‘then’ or would that be conflicting the intent?

    It’s useful to compare and there is no conflict. While the present appearance is only suggestive instead of informative, it’s not wise to pretend that it doesn’t in fact suggest something. Appearances have perceived meaning. I may want that meaning to change. Or I may want to elicit a specific appearance. If the only way I can do that is to adopt some unrealistic stance that requires me to evacuate the present moment, that’s not going to be skillful. So it’s OK to notice how experience appears now, without clinging, and then move to an experience that’s different, deliberately, or in any other way.

    Yes it’s subjective for sure, but we’re having these discussions for the sake of elephants in the blue Ø

    So is that how you see it? I am discussing this for my own sake. Maybe not entirely, but mostly. A friend of mine indirectly suggested that maybe I should post more. I’m starting to post some things now that in the past I wouldn’t have posted and would instead have kept to myself. When I first started /r/weirdway, I had a lot that I really wanted to say. So I made a series of articles which essentially say 95% of what I wanted to say. Then I was left without any desire to say more until a lot more insight/experience has “accumulated” (bad word, not to be taken literally). And keep in mind, I measure progress in decades and lifetimes. So if I catch everyone up to where I am now with say 40 articles, then maybe before I can make a post that’s substantially new and substantially different from the same old I have to continue conscious living for another decade or so. But people want content now. :) Truth is, I am not a content machine. I sometimes want to say things and sometimes I don’t. I’m almost always ready for a discussion and ready to answer questions, but my desire to make articles really varies from year to year or decade to decade.

    I mean you make an intent and that intent is all it takes to trigger the manifestation instead of having conditional elements or steps that need to be undertaken to allow the manifestation to occur. I think you mean the same thing when you say “Volition doesn’t work against some external-to-itself resistance.”?

    Right. If you say “volition just is” some people think it means just sit down and start waiting, don’t play with your mind at all, just wait, and eventually what you want will arrive, like on a long conveyor belt that’s rolling your way with the different things on it, and the thing you want is waaaay out there, and it ‘just rolls’ so don’t do anything, just wait. That’s the image I get when I hear talk of “just is.” To me “just is” is evocative of the status quo.

    As for manifestation, I think the formula is more complex but not by much.

    Intent - contradictory intent - habit = manifestation.

    Contradictory intent is usually subconscious.

    Making intent is going to be useless if there is a huge belief network in the subconscious which explains to you why your intent can never work. For example, if you believe birds exist separately from you and sing of their own independent volition, then when you will them to shut up, that’s not going to fly (pardon the pun). In order for intent to work the mind has to be coherent around that intent. Coherence does not have to be perfect, but it has to be significant. So coherence is not an all or nothing proposition. One can still succeed with an intent and also some doubts going against that same intent, but the doubts will not help the process and may delay it or weaken it, also depending on how one frames those doubts too. So it’s complex. To really do well in this process one has to know oneself and one’s own desire to a very profound degree.

    Originally commented by u/mindseal on 2016-11-11 10:16:24 (d9v25y2)