I’d like to hear your perspectives on randomness. This question has implications for the understanding of othering.
Is true randomness possible?
If not, this would be a limitation of mind.
If so, it also feels like a limitation of mind (inability to predict/know the outcome of an event).
Right, this is an example of othering. My question could perhaps be rephrased as this: how far can othering be taken?
Originally commented by u/VLSIHeaven on 2021-10-26 08:44:20 (hi1dox2)
Originally commented by u/[deleted] on 2021-10-26 08:55:33 (hi1f96y)
It’s also noteworthy to point out that this duality you stated is also a concept that you have othered. Ultimately the mind (in the context it’s used on this sub) is not bound by any limitations or rules.
/u/VLSIHeaven I hope this answers your question. If not please let me know.
Originally commented by u/syncretik on 2021-10-26 17:58:49 (hi34e6h)