The proverb in the title is a berry. In my digestion of it I have learned two deep simplicities.

  1. A proverb is not something to explain to the contemplative mind. Digestion is individual.
  2. To recognize this proverb as a proverb is to glimpse the subsurface of proverbial depth.

Meanings go deep.
The depths can be searched.
Perhaps there is a bottom.
It would be something foundational.

Here I have brought you a single berry on a big white plate and I have cut it into pieces.

Flowers are beautiful.

  • @syncretikOPM
    12 years ago
    • Beauty is of that which is coherent.
    • Seek that which is searched. Search that which is sought. That’s two out of four out of a probable six. (idk, haven’t thought about it yet but it’s a fun pattern)
    • Contentment is the beginning of authentic expression. Discontent is the beginning of self-distortion.
    • is this indigestion, hahaha

    Originally commented by u/[deleted] on 2021-07-08 08:30:40 (h4ep1hm)

    • @syncretikOPM
      12 years ago
      • Discord is of that which is neglected.
      • Discover the veiled. Obscure the revelation.
      • Grievance is the end of feigned tolerance. Delight is the end of self-indulgence.
      • is the wine too bitter?

      Originally commented by u/Scew on 2021-07-09 02:02:35 (h4hiyoj)

      • @syncretikOPM
        12 years ago
        • I appreciate the angle. Discord sure is a funny word these days what with electronic abstract environments. Ah, anyway. As it happens Discord the chat software is definitely something I have been neglecting there’s just some people I don’t want to talk to right now.
        • I cannot add or take away anything from the second statement to make it any more or less profound. I would probably do a Michael Scott face perhaps, because it hits the spot, the painful spot. Them residues…
        • Grievance…? Can you tell me more? I am unfamiliar with this word, though I have feigned tolerance so I know a bit about that stuff.
        • If delight is the end of self-indulgence, then may all indulge to delight’s content! (smirky face)
        • a bit sweet, actually

        Originally commented by u/[deleted] on 2021-07-09 03:50:37 (h4hxx0z)