The state Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on whether to allow a near-total ban to take effect—kicking off a 2024 showdown

Arizona is poised to take center stage in state-level battles over abortion this week when its highest court weighs whether to allow a near-total ban on the procedure to take effect.

The case will kick off an election-year showdown over reproductive rights that is expected to heavily influence the outcomes of Arizona’s hypercompetitive 2024 races, including contests for Congress and the White House. Activists are gearing up to put an abortion-rights measure on the ballot in Arizona next year.

The state Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on Tuesday about whether to allow a near-total abortion ban dating back to 1864 to take effect. An appellate court a year ago ruled that the 19th-century measure needed to be harmonized with a more recent law banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, in effect allowing women in the state to have abortions up until that later point.