I wrote a (very long) blog post about those viral math problems and am looking for feedback, especially from people who are not convinced that the problem is ambiguous.

It’s about a 30min read so thank you in advance if you really take the time to read it, but I think it’s worth it if you joined such discussions in the past, but I’m probably biased because I wrote it :)

  • Kogasa
    210 months ago

    Just because they say one type of multiplication has precedence doesn’t make it so.

    It’s not that their words have magic power. It’s that it’s just an arbitrary notational convention in the first place.

    We’ve already shown how using parenthesis negates that concept, and matches the output of the method that doesn’t give implicit multiplication precedence

    Using parentheses doesn’t “negate” or “match” anything. (a * b) + c and a * (b + c) are two different expressions specifically because of the use of parentheses, regardless of the relative order of the * and + without parentheses.

    • @LemmysMum
      210 months ago

      You’re right, I had that epiphany and and updated my comment. Thanks for helping me educate myself.