Pretty much. Also, Xbox has their own showcase, Nintendo has their showcase, and Playstation has their own showcase. To them, there’s no need to double-up on hype showcases, and only indie and smaller publisher games are left out (to the benefit of the large publishers)
No, but Nintendo, Xbox, and PS all would prefer not not share space with their competitors. And people will ultimately watch the separate showcases, with or without E3. And without NinBoxStation bringing eyeballs to E3 for their showcases, what does that leave to be shown at E3?
Pretty much. Also, Xbox has their own showcase, Nintendo has their showcase, and Playstation has their own showcase. To them, there’s no need to double-up on hype showcases, and only indie and smaller publisher games are left out (to the benefit of the large publishers)
Littleblackboymeme.jpg So, are you telling me that people prefer to go to NintenCon, XboxCon and PSxon separately instead of a AllGamingCompaniesCon?
No, but Nintendo, Xbox, and PS all would prefer not not share space with their competitors. And people will ultimately watch the separate showcases, with or without E3. And without NinBoxStation bringing eyeballs to E3 for their showcases, what does that leave to be shown at E3?