He has stood down with immediate effect

  • @DrCake
    37 months ago

    I’m pretty sure it is just he said 5 years and it’s been 5 years. It was expected he would resign in 2024 but guess he wanted Christmas off.

    I think it’s better this way so that the next First Minister gets a few years in before the next election, rather than change just before an election.

    • Alex
      27 months ago

      Also he was leader during a pandemic which will have been especially stressful and his wife died earlier this year. I suspect he’s done with politics (he’s an academic in a previous career) and wants to do other things with his life.

    • *Tagger*
      27 months ago

      “Mr Drakeford will step down in March”

      • @theo
        17 months ago

        Maybe he wanted Easter off!