Most Scifi fans I have ran into can pretty quickly rank the four stars –BattleSTAR Galactica, STAR Trek, STARgate, and STAR wars, but what lesser-known or less-prestigious shows hold a special place in your heart?

No, Firefly doesn’t count as lesser-known.

  • Ertebolle
    122 years ago

    If you count it as sci-fi, the HBO adaptation of “His Dark Materials” seems to have gotten basically zero attention in the US but was really quite excellent.

    Also the original “The Prisoner.” (the remake with Ian McKellen was meh)

    • McBinary
      42 years ago

      It is definitely much better than the movie. I still haven’t finished it, but it’s a fun break from other interests from time-to-time.

    • Ni
      32 years ago

      The hbo/bbc his dark materials was brilliant, so glad they finished all the book material. I think it was quite well received here in the uk

    • @ClarkDoom
      22 years ago

      I’m gonna check this show out now! Thanks for the share

      • Ertebolle
        12 years ago

        I mean it’s debatable - as with much SF - but if you go by Asimov’s definition, “that branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology,” I think it would have to qualify - heck, the opening chapter involves a researcher asking for money to find a scientific expedition, and discoveries concerning the nature of Dust drive an awful lot of the plot line.

        And genre-marker-wise, it involves parallel universes and steampunk-y vehicles / machines / etc, and doesn’t really have any of the traditional fantasy ones like elves and goblins and dragons and wizards, or really much of any reliance on “magic” that’s not mediated through technology.