Google’s cookie-killing “Privacy Sandbox” project is finally set to begin.

  • Optional
    78 months ago

    In place of cookies, Google has introduced a new set of tools that makes the Chrome browser itself keep tabs on what you’re doing online. Essentially, that data stays on your device, and your browser sorts you into various categories, or “Ad Topics” as Google calls them.

    Of course. Guck Foogle.

    • wolfshadowheart
      68 months ago

      So, unlike cookies we won’t be able to clear them? How does this affect other browsers, is Firefox affected or regular cookies still in place? Do cookies become a way of the past entirely or is it only for sites that opt in? (It looks like it’s Google browser only and opt in, for now)

      • LollerCorleoneOP
        7 months ago

        Mozilla has already rejected adding Topics to Firefox due to privacy concerns. Firefox already blocks third-party advertising cookies.

        Apple also has taken a stand against adding it in Safari. Microsoft is, however, testing the integration of some ‘Privacy Sandbox’ technologies in Edge but they haven’t made any commitments one way or the other yet.

        • wolfshadowheart
          27 months ago

          Thanks for the clarification, I did read through the article but maybe not thoroughly enough.

          Glad to see it’s not being entirely adopted, at least!

    • density
      47 months ago

      I"m sure there are technical difference that make this “not” “cookies” but it sounds like cookies.