Nearly half of the air-to-ground munitions that Israel has used in Gaza in its war with Hamas since October 7 have been unguided, otherwise known as “dumb bombs,” according to a new US intelligence assessment.

  • @Aceticon
    10 months ago

    It says “US official says” that, it doesn’t say it is indeed so (you know, as proven scientifically or by analysis by an independent source).

    An individual belonging to a government that supports another government saying something that spins in a positive way the actions of the later government isn’t in even the same universe as the standard of proof for something to be widely accepted as true.

    Given the US’ continued support of Israel in this, militarilly and diplomatically, statements of US officials justifying Israeli military choices aren’t at all trustworthy, quite the contrary.

    • @DoomBot5
      -110 months ago

      I choose to belive the experienced officials over the dumb lemmy users making baseless accusations against them.

      • @Aceticon
        10 months ago

        How exactly do you know the never once named person, who is only and ever refered to as “US Official” and who made that comment, is “experienced”?!

        Plenty of people in that article who put their name on the line along with their words say the exact opposite of the anonymous “US Official”.

        Clearly you just liked that statement (no doubt because it aligns with your political beliefs) and went backwards from there to assuming the anonymous person quoted making that statement is “experienced”, which is fine amongst people who already believe the same politics as you but won’t convince anybody with 2 brain cells.

        • @DoomBot5
          -210 months ago

          Nah, I just don’t believe you who provides no proof for your claim.

          • @Aceticon
            10 months ago

            If that was a thinking posture you would have the same proof requirement for quotes from “US Officials” who want to remainn unnamed as you do for the person whose only claim is that you can’t outright trust without further proof what’s said by unnamed “US Officials”.

            It’s quite funny that your counter to my point is to demand that I prove my claim that you should demand proof from anonymous sources.

    • @Rapidcreek
      -210 months ago

      I personally have never flown a fighter in combat, only seen it. But, a nefarious conspiracy theory doesn’t make too much sense.

      • @Aceticon
        -110 months ago

        If you think politicians lying to make what they defend sound good is a “conspiracy theory”, then you’re just the right person to purchase this piece of really cheap river-crossing realestate I have for sale in New York!

        • @Rapidcreek
          -110 months ago

          I don’t think a DoD official is going to lie for anyone, He’ll just stay silent.

          • @Aceticon
            10 months ago

            The only person in the article who said the words you quoted (that basically mean “it’s all the same”) is an anonymous official whilst every single one of the persons who are actually named there said the opposite.

            Anonymous sources in the kind of positions in the state aparatus were they’re authorized to talk to the press will absolutelly say whatever helps the message of “the boss” including outright lying about “what we think”.

            Have you been under a rock for the past 3 decades to still believe that when an anonymous source is quoted on the press what they say is generally way less trustworthy than when it’s a named somebody???!