Considering Sam Bankman-Fried claimed to practice #effectiveAltruism, and the fact that he makes substantial political donations, I thought we can validate to some extent whether his effective altruism is bogus or genuine. I thought this would be easily settled. If he favors democrats, he’s putting humanity above wealth & tyranny. If republicans, the altruistic claim can be easily dismissed.

It turns out #SamBankmanFried donated to democrats and republicans both. It’s unclear if the donations were equally effective for both parties, but interesting that he donated to dems in-the-clear while hiding donations to republicans. One of the notable donations went to a congressman who was most critical of cryptocurrency. So naturally he had to bribe that politician.

Dems were surprised to find that he also donated to republicans (and by his own admission!). Had he donated to both parties in transparency, recipients could see their opponent is also being fed and disregard the donation (i.e. give no preferential treatment). Seeing all the recipients would reveal if there were at least a consistent ideology or philosophy in play.

I have to conclude the political donations were likely all just to promote his own success. It does not completely nix the claim of effective altruism because he would argue it was purely a wealth accumulation endeavor as a precursor to effective altruism. But I have to say someone who is fully engaged in the idea of effective altruism would be irresistibly selective in who receives political contributions even at the cost of reduced wealth. A humanitarian would not be able to stomach the idea of financing a republican war chest.

You also have to figure that since he chose to make dem financing transparent and repub financing in the dark, he inherently gave republican recipients full view of it. That’s only viable if he donates much more to republicans who would see that he donates mere peanuts to the opponent for optics.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    1- If a man robs ypu, and then give it back to you indirectly without your consent, in the form of supporting a democratic party. Does that justify his actions ?

    2- You know I have come across democrats who hated biden, and sought to vote for someone else for democracy.

    Everyone knows a thing or two about biden’s corruption; how he protects his son, instead of allowing individuals to take accountability and responsibility for their selves.

    3- It does not matter what bankman did with the money, in terms of trying to change the fact that he stole money from people and lied to the people.

    4- Infact the parties that received the donations have to comply and cooperate, if such proofs exist that they were complicit. And there is.

    So I’m not sure how this is going to even flourish in terms of supporting republicans or democrats.

    What goes around comes around.

    I guess you may call me a realist lol.