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Magic-tape is an image supporting fuzzy finder command line interface YouTube client.
Image rendering can be done with the use of ueberzugpp, ueberzug, kitty terminal or chafa.
With magic-tape, through the main menu, the user can:
Browse videos from subscriptions.
Browse through trending video feed.
make a video search, using keywords or phrases.
Watch a previously watched video (watch history).
Browse videos from a subcsribed channel.
Watch a liked video.
Repeat the previous selection.
Repeat a previous search (search history).
Watch/download video/audio content, in various formats.
Through the miscellaneous menu the user can
Set up Preferences (configuration).
Like / Unlike a video.
Synchronize the above actions with their YouTube account.
Import subscriptions from YouTube.
Subscribe to/ Unsubscribe from a channel.
Clear their watch/search history, liked videos, thumbnail cache.
You can open the P option by either double-clicking on it with the mouse, or entering capital P with the keyboard. You can get to select the P option through the misc menu.
Do you get any error messages when doing so?
Have you installed all the dependencies of the script (rofi in particular)?
I did not have
installed on my headless machine, from the description I understand it is a GUI application. After installing it I still could not get the Preferences menu to appear. Nothing happens when I press P, or more specifically there is a quick flash of something and it comes back to the m submenuIt sems to me that there were a few ommisions made during the installation of this script from your part.
If I were you, I would remove the whole git/magic-tape folder, and re-install the script, this following the detailed instructions from the README.
There are specific commands that take care of the dependencies, and of the directory structure.
Do that, and the chances are that you will have no problems.
I finally got to my main workstation with GUI, pulled the latest code, installed
there and it works now, I sill could not to get previews to show because of thedraw_preview: command not found
error. But I don’t thinkrofi
can run on a headless machine:rofi (process:1456958): X11Helper-WARNING **: 10:52:55.600: Failed to open display: (null) (process:1456958): Rofi-WARNING **: 10:52:55.600: Connection has error
I think that apart from not installing the dependencies, both problems that you have faced in your machine (zsh-bash conflict, headless machine) are beyond the scope of this script and need to be examined individually.
At the end of the day, one could easily substitute rofi with fzf itself in the script, they do more or less the same job. I am not certain rofi is your main obstacle here.
I tried to substitute rofi with fzf in vim, and when I try Preferences - it says
😕 Selection canceled...
My main goal was to use this program on my server which has no GUI and I can access it from anywhere. For example, I successfully use
remotely. When I saw TUI, I thought I could use that too headless, but you may wanna put a disclaimer that the script requires a GUI applicationrofi
.Anyways, thanks for the project, I will keep an eye on it if it keeps developing, great idea! While troubleshooting this program I came across
that also supposedly supports subscriptions and seems like can work headlesslyThis is clearly stated in the instructions, and in the dependencies.
You might consider always read the instructions before installing anything.
Don’t get mad, I’ve read. It’s a little unusual for me to see amongst 6 CLI dependencies on GUI one. But even installing a GUI application on a headless machine won’t do any good
No worries! Thanks for the feedback anyway.
ytfzf is great. And if you don’t mind the image support, give newsboat a try, it works great for youtube feeds.
I have made some updates that may concern you:
, now various files and directories are kept in various places.This way,
is in~/.local/bin/
, orfzf
(if the user wants to go full TUI).This can be configured during the P option of the misc menu.So if you want to go full tui, you can avoid
and go fullfzf
.Let me know how it goes if you try.