It’s not much to go on, but I’m hoping someone either remembers or has better Google-fu than I do.

Some time in the late 80s or early 90s I read a YA book about a teen-ish girl in the Aluetian Islands. My most vivid memory is of her description of crabs, calling some “Jimmies,” and going into extraordinary detail about the fishing process. I have the shadow of a memory that she was the first girl/woman to embark on fishing.

That’s all I have to go on. Ring any bells?

  • @Donjuanme
    41 year ago

    Good luck! It doesn’t sound like isle of the blue dolphins. I hope you can give us more clues as you remember them. Was it a longer or shorter read? Was it in a collection of stories? Was it rooted in history or fantasy?

    • WndyLadyOP
      21 year ago

      Good questions! I think it was short by today’s YA standards - - maybe 200 pages. Definitely not a collection, just a short novel. It was more a historical fiction.