Tainted cinnamon applesauce pouches that have sickened scores of children in the U.S. may have been purposefully contaminated with lead, according to FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods Jim Jones.

“We’re still in the midst of our investigation. But so far all of the signals we’re getting lead to an intentional act on the part of someone in the supply chain and we’re trying to sort of figure that out,” Jones said in an exclusive interview. The pouches found to be contaminated were sold under three brands — Weis, WanaBana and Schnucks — that are all linked to a manufacturing facility in Ecuador. The FDA says it’s conducting an inspection of that facility.

“My instinct is they didn’t think this product was going to end up in a country with a robust regulatory process,” Jones said. “They thought it was going to end up in places that did not have the ability to detect something like this.”

  • @TokenBoomer
    1010 months ago

    I would like to know more about the time you spent in a communist hell hole. What was it like?

    • @SupraMario
      -310 months ago

      My entire family is from ex ussr states…most still live in them…go fuck off with that tankie shit.

      • @TokenBoomer
        210 months ago

        How is it “tankie” to ask a question? You seem hostile to any beliefs not your own.

        • @SupraMario
          -19 months ago

          That wasn’t a question, you act like the communism is better than what we have now via your wording.

          • @TokenBoomer
            9 months ago

            If communism prevents lead in toddlers’ applesauce. Yes.

            • @SupraMario
              19 months ago

              Communism caused Chernobyl…lead is the last thing that you would be worried about.

    • @grayman
      -910 months ago

      There are plenty of first hand accounts on YT. A friend of mine is Cuban and lived it. Another is Venezuelan. They both speak English well. Just because you’ve never known someone that lived under communism, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        So, if I go find some homeless people who have spent their whole lives on the street, and ask them to speak on the quality of life under capitalism, are they going to tell me that capitalism is the ideal system?

        Or will they call this a capitalist hell hole?

      • @TokenBoomer
        110 months ago

        Survivorship Bias. You are speaking to those who chose to leave socialism/communism. Of course they are going to be critical of it. In the same way an American that chooses to emigrate to Cuba would be critical of capitalism.