A Confederate memorial is to be removed from Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia in the coming days, part of the push to remove symbols that commemorate the Confederacy from military-related facilities, a cemetery official said Saturday.

The decision ignores a recent demand from more than 40 Republican congressmen that the Pentagon suspend efforts to dismantle and remove the monument from Arlington cemetery.

    • @GlitzyArmrestOP
      371 year ago

      Does removing a monument also erase history books somehow?

      • @conquer4
        271 year ago

        No, just republicans erase books currently

    • Flying Squid
      271 year ago

      How is a monument put up in 1914 a trace of history?

      Unless you mean the history of racists who praised the Confederacy but were never a part of it.

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      201 year ago

      The folks itching to repeat it are the same folks who have hooked their “heritage” on a traitorous nation that lasted less time than some of my underwear and socks.

      I don’t think removing these monuments to traitors from US soil is going to make much of a difference to them.

      Also - monuments aren’t history books, and the folks trying to get sensitive events out of history books are also the same group of people trying to keep the monuments to traitors in place.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        This. I grew up in Virginia with folks talking about how the civil war was about states rights and not about slavery.

        They use all kinds of circular and backwards thinking to somehow suggest that the confederates were heroes.

        Smelt all the confederate statues to make new statues that commemorate all the people who fought against these racist southern bigots.

        Take your southern heritage and shove back up your ass where it came from in the first place.

    • Machinist3359
      201 year ago

      Simply replace it with a memorial for the enslaved folks these losers fought to subjugate. Let the Confederate legacy be lost to time and honor the people who persevered through unimaginable evils.

      • @DannyMac
        111 year ago

        Sadly, there’s probably a huge overlap between the people for keeping that monument and people that wouldn’t be opposed to installing Nazi monuments

        • Flying Squid
          21 year ago

          Fair enough- when are they going to put up the memorial to Osama Bin Laden in Times Square?

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      We don’t want to celebrate wrongdoers with memorials.

      There’s a reason why you don’t see statues of Hitler in Germany. That doesn’t mean he’s not part of their history or that they are not trying to learn from the mistakes.

    • @Ultraviolet
      91 year ago

      Most of the Confederate monuments were put up by the KKK in the early 20th century as an intimidation tactic.

    • @derf82
      81 year ago

      Honoring racist pieces of shit just makes more people racist pieces of shit.