Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17

  • @Deestan
    1321 year ago

    Sabine Hossenfelder, used to love her takes on physics until she fell in the usual expert’s trap of believing she can talk equally usefully about things OUTSIDE her expertise.

    First trans care, which missed a few important nuances. Then autism, which had a decades-old perspective and was at best “not informative”.

    Then hoo boy Capitalism where she made a huge tangled MESS confusing and conflating markets with monetary systems and credit, all apparently based off half-remembered textbooks from 1950 using long-disproven historical claims.

    A lot of criticism was sent her way. None was acknowledged, or apparently taken to heart. Repeatedly.

    From skillfully presenting physics with a “explain it like I’m 5” style, she’s now spouting any trending topic in a “explained by a 5 year old” style.

    • TipRing
      251 year ago

      This was such a disappointment, I really liked her explanations of quantum physics.

    • @Eldritch
      231 year ago

      This, JFC so much this. The trans care thing was a serious blow to my interest in her videos. That capitalism BS. That killed it dead. Didn’t finish that video, haven’t watched since. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

      To be fair, I think her reputation might still be salvageable. But it would take sincere apologies, earnest corrections, and getting back in her ”lane” of experience. As a physicist she’s fine, but not so much as a physician or politician.

      • @NegativeInf
        11 year ago

        Was that before the weekly call from Elon? Idk when I checked out?

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      She’s always been a weird nerdy lady, but endearing. Her videos were never professional, a bit tacky, but very informative. But I too dropped her channel because she started talking about nonsense she had no business giving opinions about.

    • @fastandcuriousOP
      51 year ago

      Sounds like something i would like (and can use) will probably check some of her older vidoes

      • @OhmsLawn
        71 year ago

        On that topic, Anton Petrov is legit. Daily videos on math, physics, and cosmology. Less frequent but better produced, Sixty Symbols is one of Brady Haran’s channels at University of Nottingham.