One Russian soldier fighting near Avdiivka recently said his unit started their assault with 70 people—and lost 56 of them.

  • @nevemsenki
    31 year ago

    Russia isn’t producing as much as they waste for sure, but to say they are hardly producing is a misconception.

    They outproduce the west in artillery ammo on their own,for example. . They are also ramping drone production. They are shitty shaheds with virtually nothing great about them, but that does not mean they cannot cause damage by zergrushing a target with them.

    Sure, currently they cannot make more than 200ish tanks a year, but if their stockpiles start running low, nothing stops them from mass producing shitty T55-alikes. Would those be useful against a par military? No way in hell. Would they be enough to enable zergrushing like at Avdiivka? Possibly.

    At any rate, I wouldn’t count on the russian army running dry. Currently the western aid running out is more likely, sadly.

    • @Eheran
      21 year ago

      No question, we need to take them seriously. But even the article you linked says they use 5x as many shells as they produce. Where are they going to be with 1/5th the firepower? And if course, if we stop supporting Ukraine they will suffer badly.