Architect of the Emmy-winning FX animated spy series dishes on its highs (Jessica Walter), lows (changing the ISIS name), and everything in between.

  • BlanketsWithSmallpox
    161 year ago

    TIL they have more Archer episodes after whatever that one is where he went to a castle with vampires and shit.

      • BlanketsWithSmallpox
        151 year ago

        Archer Vice felt like a fun little sideshow to have the creators just get a break and do whatever. Then it just kept going… And I dropped it lol.

        I’m genuinely surprised it didn’t get cancelled. Felt like that’s what the show runners were trying to do.

        Hopefully they just get successful enough to do it like South Park does.

      • @espentan
        61 year ago

        First time around, I did too. Having re-watched them my opinion changed. They’re not my favourites by any stretch, but I grew to like them.