Comment by Eliezer Yudkowsky - I may never actually use this in a story, but in another universe I had thought of having a character mention that... call it the forces of magic with normative dimension... had evaluated one pedophile who had known his desires were harmful to innocents and never acted upon them, while living a life of above-average virtue; and another pedophile who had acted on those desires, at harm to others. So the said forces of normatively dimensioned magic transformed the second pedophile's body into that of a little girl, delivered to the first pedophile along with the equivalent of an explanatory placard. Problem solved. And indeed the 'problem' as I had perceived it was, "What if a virtuous person deserving our aid wishes to retain their current sexual desires and not be frustrated thereby?"
(As always, pedophilia is not the same as ephebophilia.)
I also remark that the human equivalent of a utility function, not that we actually have one, often revolves around desires whose frustration produces pain. A vanilla rational agent (Bayes probabilities, expected utility max) would not see any need to change its utility function even if one of its components seemed highly probable though not absolutely certain to be eternally frustrated, since it would suffer no pain thereby.
Yeah, I’m a weirdo for thinking that fucking children is evil. I work in IT, I’ve seen some things that still turn my stomach. Don’t water down the term pedophilia.
I’m not defending anyone who goes after people who can’t or don’t consent. But don’t normalize the word pedophilia by using it to describe attraction to adult shaped people. It’s vile.
As opposed to normalizing it by talking about it all the god damned time, for example by using it in your thought experiments instead of literally any other criminal compulsion.
I’m sorry to say the only people who care are paedophiles and people who’ve been hoodwinked by paedophiles. Your phrasing compels me to assume you’re the former.
Yes, being attracted to someone with a child shaped body is worse than being attracted to someone with an adult shaped body. Ffs. That’s literally what pedophilia is.
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I knew this thread would attract the fucking weirdos. drink!
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Yeah, I’m a weirdo for thinking that fucking children is evil. I work in IT, I’ve seen some things that still turn my stomach. Don’t water down the term pedophilia.
I’m not defending anyone who goes after people who can’t or don’t consent. But don’t normalize the word pedophilia by using it to describe attraction to adult shaped people. It’s vile.
As opposed to normalizing it by talking about it all the god damned time, for example by using it in your thought experiments instead of literally any other criminal compulsion.
I’m sorry to say the only people who care are paedophiles and people who’ve been hoodwinked by paedophiles. Your phrasing compels me to assume you’re the former.
The people who don’t understand the difference are people who don’t really understand how bad child sexual abuse is.
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Yes, being attracted to someone with a child shaped body is worse than being attracted to someone with an adult shaped body. Ffs. That’s literally what pedophilia is.