When mindlessly browsing Reddit, I found that I usually just jump directly to the comments, read a couple, and continue. Lemmy seems a bit more curated (read: smaller), and therefore it’s easier to actually engage in discussions, which leads me to read the article, think critically about it, and respond (if I have something to say) in the comments–bigger is not always better!

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    22 years ago

    I’m not sure I’m any more likely to read the article (that is, I read articles a lot on Reddit, too), but there are some big differences otherwise:

    • On Reddit, by the time I saw a post, there were often hundreds, or even thousands of comments. What I might want to say was often already said, or I just wasn’t going to read all of them to see if it was. This is more like sorting Reddit by “Rising,” where I’d feel like there was more room to be heard.
    • On Reddit, there is always a giant number of people who just want to make a pun or joke, which is fine, but those comments were always upvoted to the top several top-level responses, so I often didn’t really feel like engaging with them.
    • Similar to above, the comments here seem to be more thoughtful on average. I’m not sure Reddit had fewer thoughtful responses, but they were more buried in the jokes (many of which were repeated thread after thread), so here it just overall seems more conducive to discussion.