Can a European please explain to me how it could possibly be better to need to switch between Signal, Telegram, Discord, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram? How is that better than one app (SMS) that is guaranteed to be deliverable to everybody?
If each email service used a proprietary protocol to only communicate with its own service, people would be livid.
This isn’t because I want iMessage, but because the suggestion every time these posts come up to “just use Signal/WhatsApp/Telegram/etc” is a frustrating take.
Can a European please explain to me how it could possibly be better to need to switch between Signal, Telegram, Discord, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram? How is that better than one app (SMS) that is guaranteed to be deliverable to everybody?
If each email service used a proprietary protocol to only communicate with its own service, people would be livid.
This isn’t because I want iMessage, but because the suggestion every time these posts come up to “just use Signal/WhatsApp/Telegram/etc” is a frustrating take.
SMS used to cost money per text which is why Whatsapp etc al. took no time to reach critical market penetration. Literally nobody uses SMS anymore.
Edit: also iphone market share was much smaller IIRC, so people started using apps that were available both on android and iOS from the start.
SMS is being used currently for messaging between iOS and android users.
Literally lots of people still use this today.
WhatsApp delivers to everybody as everybody in Europe has WhatsApp.
Because they only really use WhatsApp. None uses signal as much as the Internetshah’s you to think and not to sure about telegram.