Sure, the first year (or two) of COVID were wretched, but most of those barriers have since cleared — yet I’m still struggling. I’ve noticed the same with a number of people within my family and neighbourhood.

How are others feeling? Are you struggling, yet succeeding? If so, how are you breaking through?

  • @paddirn
    36 months ago

    My kids are getting to the point where they’re either past believing in Santa or on the cusp of realizing what’s going on (if they haven’t already), otherwise I don’t really do much Christmas stuff with adults outside of work. I haven’t felt anything for Christmas for years apart from getting gifts for kids. The only big benefit is time off from work.

    This was actually a fairly stress-free year present-wise. I got all my shopping early and stuff wrapped except for one last-minute thing I need for my son due to delayed shipping.