Tesla has removed Disney+ from some of its vehicles amid Elon Musk having an online fight with Disney CEO Bob Iger. The fight started when Disney halted its advertising on X after Musk agreed with and amplified antisemitic content, for which he eventually apologized.

Every week, there’s a new drama with Elon Musk on X, formerly known as Twitter. It sometimes indirectly affects Tesla, but this time, it affects it directly.

The current drama stems from Musk giving support to an antisemitic post on X, which he didn’t initially apologize for, though admitted that it was a mistake a week later. He further apologized but was already attacking Disney. In the meantime, the result was a massive backlash, where many companies stopped advertising on X, including Apple and Disney.

Musk took a particular issue with frequent right-wing target Disney – in the interview when he apologized for the tweet, he attacked advertisers for pulling out almost in the same breath.

  • @reversebananimals
    911 year ago

    Ah yes, the famous cancel culture that the Right hates so much. I’m sure they’ll turn on Elon for this.

    • @RagingRobot
      121 year ago

      They already aren’t buying electric cars lol

      • TechyDad
        81 year ago

        The whole “Elon swings hard right while trying to sell electric cars” is crazy. It would be like me selling “roll coal” kits and deciding that my market had to be Progressives because I was going to insult everyone on the right.

      • @Enk1
        31 year ago

        You’d be surprised actually now that Musk has become what they think of as a counter-culture icon. Some Trump voters out there trading in their 4WD pickups for Cybertrucks.