The incident is being investigated as a hate or bias-motivated crime.

  • Nepenthe
    7 months ago

    He could theoretically whip up a mob, if things were bad enough and enough people decided they were bored. Crowds attract bigger crowds, but it really doesn’t even take a large one to become a physical threat worthy of law enforcement in the…apparently depressingly likely event of.

    Though I hesitate to think best case was the intended phrasing here.

    • [email protected]
      17 months ago

      I read this out of context in a stray open tab and read that as “Crows attract bigger crows…”, which I don’t know is not that far fetched.
      Reading again, reality is much less fun.

      • Nepenthe
        7 months ago

        Crows can hunt in packs, and they’re known to mob enemies. They’ll even distract otters while another crow sneaks up and takes all their fish.

        I would think it stranger if the goings-on of a tiny, flaccid, xenophobic asshole crow screaming crow racisms under some tree by itself didn’t pique the interest of others.

        Also, gtfo of my notifications, Enduring. (Pls do not gtfo of my notifs, it’s always amusing to run into you out and about. Hope you guys are feeling any type of better)

        • [email protected]
          17 months ago

          Oh, hi. lol
          I like crows, they’re smart and even friendly? somewhat if you’re not an asshole to them.
          Having ups and downs, sleeping more than Mr Cat, which is a feat.
          See you around :)