• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Projection. You call everything fascist you don’t agree with it. You are like someone who calls everything gay that you don’t like. For you, a capitalist country is fascist including social democrats like Scandinavia. The fantasy one sold to you is if the world is democratic socialist or communist then only it can’t be fascist. You are embodying precisely what Slavoj Zizek comments, a naive, high-on-the-horse leftist who hasn’t touched grass. Come back when you educate yourself.

    Are you aware that Hamas does not mean Palestinians?

    I guess Hamas only recruits Inuits and Mongolians, then?

    Do you realise there is PLO? Of course not, you just repeat whatever is said like a parrot.

    • @masquenox
      -19 months ago

      Lol! Are we getting a bit flustered, enlightened centrist?

      Come now… be honest. What were you doing when antifa was throwing down with fascists in the streets?

      Want me to take a stab at it? I’d guess you were heckling those antifascists real hard, weren’t you? After all… how dare those troublemakers invite real fascism by harrassing those totally not-neo-nazis and their police allies while they were innocently walking down the streets, eh?

      Fascists can always find a use for centrists… after all - it’s pretty much proven that centrists pose no threat to them. That must be a pretty comforting thought for you.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Can’t rebut anything and resort to usual lefty parroting points and buzzwords. Can’t admit you don’t know anything about the wider world apart from the naive lefty narrative you just regurgitate. Sure, call everything gay on anything you don’t like. That’s how you were conditioned. You pretend you’re not a bigot but you are. Come back to the big boy’s table when you’ve grown up. Oh wait… probably too late for you.

        And I am guessing you only condone violence if it only serves you. So are you condoning Hamas taking foreign hostages who have nothing to do with the conflict? Least critical thinking troll.

        • @masquenox
          -19 months ago

          Can’t rebut

          Oh, you are absolutely correct, centrist - I cannot rebut the “see no fascism, hear no fascism, speak no fascism” fairy tale you are peddling. That is, after all, the point of this particular fairy tale, is it not?

          But, as the recent collapse of the pro-Israeli propaganda consensus has demonstrated, you might find that your fairy tale convinces fewer and fewer people going forward.

          I suggest you keep an eye on your copium stocks - you might need more than you think.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Did you just tacitly admit you support Hamas taking hostages by not acknowledging it? Do you support violence only if it agrees with you?

            You just showed you have zero knowledge of the world other than what World Socialist Website tells you to think.

            Most critical thinking tankie.

            • @masquenox
              -19 months ago

              Did you just tacitly admit you support Hamas taking hostages by not acknowledging it?

              I’m perfectly fine with Hamas taking prisoners - oops, sorry, I forgot we only call them prisoners when states do it.

              Sooooo… there was something you were going to flex about, centrist?


              Oh look… the enlightened centrist understander predictably doesn’t understand the terms they are throwing around.


              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                I’m perfectly fine with Hamas taking prisoners - oops, sorry, I forgot we only call them prisoners when states do it.

                It’s not crime to take foreign nationals that have no stakes in conflict if your side does it. Spoken like a true tankie.

                • @masquenox
                  -19 months ago

                  It’s not crime to take foreign nationals

                  They knew what they were doing when they patronized a white supremacist settler-colonialist state.

                  I’ve never bothered to find out… can you actually see the walls of the world’s largest concentration camp from the venue they were holding that rave festival at?

                  Spoken like a true tankie.

                  Oh look… the enlightened centrist understander predictably still doesn’t understand the terms they are throwing around.

                  Yawn… again.