To clarify here, I don’t feel like I’m significantly smarter than most people, but I feel like people have a hard time doing any sort of thinking about stuff. Especially when it comes to verifying “facts.”

  • @DuckOverload
    141 year ago

    I think the issue here is that we’re all genetically just apes and we live in a world where we’re expected to know about geopolitics, outrageous technologies, all kinds of cultural artifacts, and a bazillion other complexities of modern life, in addition to the basics of feeding ourselves, finding a mate, and child rearing. At the same time, we have behemoth corporations in control of all media with a strong interest in keeping people dumb, angry and discontent. And education is… not what it should be.

    No, humans aren’t inherently evil or stupid or whatever. We’ve just inherited a world situation that we are not adapted for, and few people are able to learn and grow sufficiently to really understand and handle it all properly.

    • @piecat
      1 year ago

      100% agree, society is so radically different today from even 200 years ago.

      Most discernable minor changes from evolution are from 10+ thousand years ago. Major changes are more on the order of 100k-millions of years.

      We’re 100% not “made for” the world we’ve created.