• Kid_Thunder
    39 months ago

    It sounds like what you’re saying is that you and your social circle hate women.

    That’s horrible. You should work on yourself and find better friends.

    • tygerprints
      -49 months ago

      What I’m saying is, all men hate women. No exceptions. How many times have you (or I) heard a guy put another guy down by calling him a feminine term of some kind? To a man, that is the ultimate insult - to be compared to any kind of a woman. That alone speaks volumes about how men feel about women.

      I’m gay and four of my close friends are straight and married. And they hate women. Not to say they hate being married, or they don’t love their wives as much as a man can, which isn’t much. But they talk about women like they would talk about garbage, only with much less respect. If your male friends are so much more admiring of women - i’d like to hear what comments they make about them so we can verify that.

      • Kid_Thunder
        39 months ago

        I’m a man and I don’t talk about women like that and I don’t insult men with feminine. Sure some men are immature and talk like that but certainly it isn’t all men.

        This speaks more about your social circle than anyone else. You do not get to speak for entire gender of people.

        • tygerprints
          -29 months ago

          But I do speak for the entire gender. MOST men are immature and self-interested only. Most humans are that way, in fact. So just to correct you, I certainly do speak for the entire gender, I know what men are.

          • Kid_Thunder
            39 months ago

            Oh I see. You believe that people fall into unwavering stereotypes like so many bigots in human history.

            • tygerprints
              09 months ago

              I do? That’s good to know. I certainly can live with and be OK with that.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Well, this morning I checked to see who I have authorised to speak for me. List is still just me.

            Why don’t you stop whatever game you think you are playing and just admit you don’t like men (it’s alright, you have to admit your problems before you can heal).

            You are seriously only hurting yourself and whatever cause you claim to support by spreading your hate.

            • tygerprints
              09 months ago

              Then your sources are befouled. I am the one who speaks for all men. I am that I am, I am the great I AM. My voice is the voice of truth and not the voice of hate. You should not continue to feel so hurt by what I express here even if it is hard to hear.