You can talk about bitcoin in any bitcoin specific spaces on the internet. You ever noticed that? You can talk about Austrian economics, you can talk about price, you can talk about influencers, you can talk about hardware wallets, but if you try to ever go into technical details about bitcoin to discuss their strengths and weaknesses you get called a shitcoin shill big blocker trying to ruin it’s decentralization and probably also get banned. This is in every bitcoin specific space, the subreddit,, bitcointalk, everywhere. You can’t actually discuss bitcoin with bitcoin people.

And this is a problem. It means that no technical innovation whatsoever can happen on bitcoin. It means that they’re like a herd of buffalo headed for a cliff at full speed.

That wouldn’t be a problem if bitcoin was perfect. But it isn’t. There’s a huge, huge problem in bitcoin that I wrote a post about here that I began to understand when I saw multiple people complaining that they have DCA UTXOs that are too small to spend right now because of fees. I understand the mechanics of bitcoin pretty well, so I thought through it and came to those conclusions and of course, the believer that I am, wanted to have a conversation about it because it is a very big deal, either I’m wrong and need to be corrected by someone or it means that bitcoin is going to fail.

They’re going head first into a crisis and you can’t even have a conversation about it. And I just hope they don’t take us all down with them. I am no longer bullish on bitcoin long term, only in the mid term like one, maybe two more halvings, and if those of us that really believe in this peer to peer electronic cash thing actually want to see it succeed we need to position ourselves to not go down with the ship, to be the fixed version of bitcoin when it happens.

Monero already has a head start on that, but the problem I referenced also applies to Monero if and when it becomes widely adopted. It really is scary to realize that these networks have a design constraint that prevents them from ever being widely used, unless it is fixed the entire thing is going to suddenly go up in flames and the freedom money revolution will be over. Again, if I’m wrong about that I welcome discussion because I really, really don’t want to be right about it.

  • @Kensai
    19 months ago

    If you really want to have a technical discussion on bitcoin there are much better avenues than mere enthusiast boards. Get closer to the coder side and you’ll get concrete arguments.

    • @[email protected]OP
      29 months ago

      Where would I do that? Every discussion board about bitcoin that I know of shuts anything down the minute you bring it up.

      • @Kensai
        19 months ago

        I’ll be honest, I don’t know. There’s gotta be a place where BIPs are discussed. There you can find the truly knowledgeable people.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          I appreciate your perspective and I’m not saying you are wrong, but that does not make you correct either. The argument is a flimsy appeal to authority without actually pointing to any authorities or resources.

          As we can see in many aspects of society, assuming the “experts” are competent and are “on it” without verifying for yourself can be a huge mistake with huge consequences.

          See any major geopolitical or other event around the world for proof.

          • @Kensai
            19 months ago

            What argument am I supposed to be making here?

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              Assuming there are truly knowledgeable people with their eyes on these issues, handling them judiciously and honestly.

              I guess challenging assumptions is better than the term argument.

              For the record, I don’t have an argument with you and don’t think you made strong claims or view you as acting in bad faith in any way ehatsoever. So I don’t mean this at all to be combative. The internet and text based chat can be hard 😋

              I just see this baseless assumption causing harm elsewhere and don’t want to see it repeated is all.

        • Blake
          29 months ago

 - been around since the beginning. trouble is there’s been so much chat on those topics, finding a way to filter it. plus it’s a healthy mix of noobs and oldfags. glhf

        • @[email protected]OP
          19 months ago

          Probably github, I don’t think it would be well received if I open an issue just to talk about block size lol

          • @cm0002
            19 months ago

            Man I’ve seen issues open for all kinds of discussions on GitHub before lol just make sure it’s properly tagged or what not, GitHub projects can also have a dedicated discussion tab enabled as well iirc so you can check for that