I was lurking on some old threads and something caught my attention on a previous discussion we had here. I seek more clarity around the subject. Copy pasting below :

mindseal: Those rules set up by the dream.

mindseal : Dreams do not set up any rules. The dreamers do. However, if the dreamer is not conscious of having set up any rules, they cannot deliberately change those rules either.

therewasguy: There is no reason for the world to be defined in anyway like sun having light properties or so. Imagine a world where even a rock has lighting properties or the water containing land like properties. Their’s no reason why anything is the way it is

mindseal: There is no objective reason, but there is a reason. The reason is your will as the dreamer. It’s your will as the dreamer of this dream that makes the water wet and land solid. If you’re not conscious of this you cannot deliberately mess around with any such so-called “natural laws.”

therewasguy: our very host of whatever we are in, makes us think we’re separate from everything else

mindseal : No, it’s not a host. It’s you. Don’t look up. Look within. You are not a human being. You’re humaning, but aren’t a human. At least from the POV of subjective idealism that’s true, and that’s what we are here to discuss.

Can the Law of attraction dream constant be broken and be changed to something else in this dream?

To me from my understanding, I feel as if the law of attraction has been very dominant into my life, I guess it’s from how I’ve bridged my beliefs for it to be very true. I’m wondering if it’s possible to turn it off and change/will it to work otherwise? I’ve tried to contemplate this for awhile but i seem to be stuck within myself. I would like some guidance aid. Thanks.

  • @syncretikOPM
    12 years ago

    Remember all this stuff you outlined is your story that you chose to commit to, and the elements of that story are shaping your experience.

    Yet when i actually do meditate or rest in myself i seem to let go of both cherry pickings on either side.

    I like to think of it as letting go of the emotional charge and fear regarding the intent, but the intent itself remains and continues to shape reality, as long as I don’t keep prodding it with conflicting intents. That’s my story.

    Wondering what a more optimal dream would be for the cause.

    Ideally how do you want things to happen? That’s your goal to meditate/focus on, and navigate through the trial and error until you get better at it. It’s not as simple as creating a step by step method and implementing it with a 100% success rate because everyone operates with a different mindset and context and there are too many subtle variations. But again, that’s a story. If you wanted to change or shape-shift to an ideal reality you would just do it, why create all these hurdles to jump over? Get your head around that!

    Originally commented by u/syncretik on 2019-01-11 18:48:15 (edsbdjf)

    • @syncretikOPM
      12 years ago

      If you wanted to change or shape-shift to an ideal reality you would just do it, why create all these hurdles to jump over? Get your head around that!

      why create all these hurdles to jump over?

      All i could come up with is, Sadistic entertainment lol.

      Well it does seem like some sort of training ground or data farming ground. But then again no reason for anything as is just infinite potential and this is just one variable. Again that’s my story now isn’t…? Their’s something i may want to experience here, Hmm…

      Thank you for the active quick clarity sync, I appreciate it.

      Edit: Perhaps joyous expansion is what i mostly resonate with.

      Originally commented by u/therewasguy on 2019-01-11 19:44:22 (edser8u)

      • @syncretikOPM
        12 years ago

        Their’s something i may want to experience here, Hmm…

        Find your purpose and what you’re drawn to at this moment and do it!

        Thank you for the active quick clarity sync, I appreciate it.

        You’re welcome :)

        Originally commented by u/syncretik on 2019-01-11 20:50:46 (edsi8x7)