When he complained, rightwingers sent him homophobic taunts online…

  • muse
    81 year ago

    Economy or guns? Conservatives haven’t been fiscal for 20 years and Trump called to take people’s guns without impunity.

    You can still mass murder people with guns without bump stocks. Literally the Democratic party is a Center Right party, with a few people considered leftists hanging out of the tent.

    So why make a big decision between choosing a Right party that are bigoted and hate you and in some cases want to erase your existence like Russia does to the LGBT, and refuse to disavow Nazis in their own rallies like Florida, versus a Right party that sees you as an equal they can pander to, like everyone else? Sure, let’s go vote Green with a figurehead in 2016 that was the most obvious pro Russian useful idiot that was available to run third party.

    I swear, it’s absolutely bullshit when a person who isn’t even queer tries to act like they know what’s best for the queer community. What are the gays supposed to do?

    Try harder with your pearl clutching for us that don’t fit into your narrow box. You’re doing fucking great, champ

    • admiralteal
      71 year ago

      A reminder for anyone who needs to hear it:

      The definition of conservatism is that you believe the state must primarily exist to prop up tradition - like traditional values, traditional social hierarchies, or traditional identities. That maintaining these traditions is the highest purpose of the state.

      If you most value making your society more effective and efficient-functioning, that makes you a progressive. If you most value making sure your society is primarily concerned with protecting individual civil rights and liberties, that makes you a liberal. If you most value making sure your society is equitable and fair and creates the greatest overall good for its constituents, that makes you a socialist.

      That’s why modern conservatism cleaves so readily to authoritarianism. When you’re trying to force people to fit a certain mold of hierarchy and identity it’s much easier to do so when you can literally force them to do whatever you want. Emphasis on want because it’s all about preferences and aesthetics.

      You can certainly be many things at once. Nearly everyone is. But when Republicans swear to you up and down that they are not liberal, they are not progressive, and they are certainly not socialist… believe them.