There are two polar complementary dimensions of experience: tolerance and expressiveness. When one’s tolerance has been perfected there is no urgency to modify any experience to be something else, no matter what that experience may feel like. When one’s expressiveness has been perfected, one regains the knowledge and the courage necessary to exercise intent along its full range of ultimate possibility, thus being able to manifest any experience that could be experienced even in principle. This second perfection we know as magick.

If you cultivate tolerance without expressiveness you’ll be like a patient victim, able to endure but passive and lacking creativity. And if you cultivate expressiveness without tolerance, you’ll be like a perpetually frightened maestro for whom magick is not a leisurely pleasure but a dire necessity at every turn in life.

May you all be twice perfect.

  • @syncretik
    2 years ago

    “Twice perfect.”

    Originally posted by u/mindseal on 2016-05-02 09:48:54 (4hclcb).