Florida’s Republican governor said he would seek to abolish the departments of Education, Commerce and Energy, as well as the IRS.

“If Congress will work with me on doing that, we’ll be able to reduce the size and scope of government,” he added. “If Congress won’t go that far, I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life.”

  • jerome
    1551 year ago

    DeSantis is telling everyone that he’s going to destroy the United States, and you’re all just sitting there.

    • SolidGrue
      871 year ago

      I’m not gonna vote for him. He’s not even a candidate yet. What should I be doing?

      • Flaky_Fish69
        591 year ago

        Laughing at Desantis’ ignorance or crying because republican voters are just as ignorant and eat that shit up.

        Or my favorite… alternating between the two

      • BurnTheRight
        181 year ago

        Training and prepping. Historically, there’s only been one way to stop fascist conservatism, and it’s not something we are allowed to talk openly about until we’re doing it.

        • skogens_ro
          31 year ago

          Did the 6th of January insurrectionists do the right thing, given they believed they were fighting against an authoritarian government? Or should they have accepted the result of the democratic process even though they disagreed with it?

          • Luke-Byrne297
            101 year ago

            So when Hitler got voted in, the moral choice was to respect the democratic process and the completely legal murder of 12 million people. Got it

            • skogens_ro
              21 year ago

              I agree in the event of a genocidal government, you throw them out, but obviously there needs to be a very high bar and a lot of safeguards to prevent partisan misuse. A losing Republican could claim a winning Democrat wants to conduct a genocide against unborn babies or something and the Jan6 insurrectionists would feel they were justified because of it.

              What are the most damning pieces of evidence that Desantis will conduct a genocide if elected?

              Should the 2016 election result have been overturned?

      • 3425asdfqwer4
        81 year ago

        Making sure that all of the subhuman republicans around you are as uncomfortable as humanly possible. They live among us and far too many people tolerate them.

    • @[email protected]
      261 year ago

      Not much can be done as of yet. The election season will really kick off in January, and short of hiring a hit squad, marching around with signs and getting screamed at/assaulted by rednecks doesn’t really seem too effective. What would you propose?

      • Flaky_Fish69
        71 year ago

        Do the Florida sewer and septic sucking service workers have a union? Might be able to convince them to use their, ah “waste” from yet another school’s clogged septic tanks to, uh “fertilize” desantis’ yard.

    • Bucket_of_Truth
      1 year ago

      He’s polling worse than fucking RFK jr, he stands no chance. YoUr’Re AlL JuSt SiTtInG tHeRe! We’re more than a year away from the general election, which he will never make it to because there are months of primaries before where Trump will assuredly win.

      • @Lauchs
        11 year ago

        Man, I remember in 2015 when there was “no way trump could possibly win the primaries, just look at the polls” and then “there’s no way trump can win the general, just look at the polls.”

    • Cinner
      1 year ago

      I love comments like this for the blatant lack of self-awareness that you’re doing exactly what everyone else is.

      While somehow finding a way to feel like you’re better than.

    • Briguy24
      41 year ago

      He’s polling a distant 2nd to trump believe it or not. Twice impeached, twice indicted traitorous trump is polling highest among R in their primary.