• Flying Squid
    1510 months ago

    Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest

    the fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest,

    That is a misunderstanding of natural selection. Natural selection means the most efficient ways to live in your ecological niche have been selected for.

    Sloths are not counter to natural selection. They’re not fast or smart or strong. What they are is well-adapted to live in their environment.

      • @Sterile_Technique
        1610 months ago

        Which is more of a documentary at this point.

        I wish. The idiots in Idiocracy were aware of their own stupidity, and when they found someone smarter than themselves, the ones in power immediately stepped down to let him tackle their most pressing issues.

        The idiots IRL think they’re geniuses, and when they find someone smarter than themselves, they run a smear-campaign and/or incite violence against that person.

        Where we’re headed is MUCH darker than the future Idiocracy portrays.

        • @[email protected]
          710 months ago

          just keep in mind the big catastrophe still didn’t happen, so people are happy in their delusions.