A place for more casual conversation about subjective idealism and its implications.

  • @syncretikOPM
    12 years ago

    It’s great that you have ambitions and things to desire and look forward to manifesting.

    Intention and manifestation in the context of the current reality is a learned skill. Like any skill, it requires commitment and time. So if you want to learn a musical instrument, or a sport, or coding, or whatever it may be you dedicate attention, time, effort etc to develop and improve that skill. In the same way, approaching intention and manifestation can be done in the same manner.

    You can start with smaller manifestations, like manifesting $10, or seeing a golden sphere, and slowly increasing the value of the intent relative to your subconscious beliefs. Manifesting a million dollars might be a far stretch for your beliefs right now, you might need a little more proof and encouragement from a smaller amount first. Using methods like the ones on r/dimensionaljumping or r/nevillegoddard can be very helpful.

    While you learn and develop those skills, spend time nurturing the aspects of yourself and your life that you appreciate and are grateful for having. Your current mode of reality relies on feeling good or feeling bad and you want to train the body to feel good most of the time by focusing on the things that allow that to happen. It’s pointless to focus on what you could potentially have in the future with feelings of regret/guilt/fear/sadness etc. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the smaller things that you have right now.

    When you start lucid dreaming you probably won’t be an omnipotent god from the get go. Over time you learn to become more lucid and take control and manipulate dreams to your preferences. This is another skill you can learn which gives you a good perspective of the development process.

    And most importantly remember to let go of yearning. Yearning will only bring more yearning and distract you from your goals and ambitions. Take a step back from the emotional intertia and let it dissipate. You don’t have to be anywhere or do anything. It’s not a have or a must. Doing things is a choice and a preference when you want to do them. It’s your reality after all.

    Originally commented by u/syncretik on 2021-08-30 12:34:49 (havrcpj)

    • @syncretikOPM
      12 years ago

      Thank you, I have been there however, I’ll take another look.

      Hopefully i get this intent and letting go sorted it out eventually with some success with some inner being guidance.

      Originally commented by u/-therewasguy on 2021-08-30 23:56:24 (haxglv8)