Yaffle’s human shares why he enjoys these baths. “As a burrowing owl, my feathers are my most prized possession. They provide insulation, help me fly almost silently, and are essential for my camouflage. That’s why I take great care to keep them in tip-top condition.” Additionally, “While I enjoy standing in my bird bath to cool off on a hot day, I much prefer a refreshing spray. I’ll spread my wings waiting eagerly for my human to mist me. I’m not sure which is the most divine; the feeling of water on my feathers, or that I’m putting my human to work.” That sounds a lot like having any other pet. When bath time is over, they tell us, he will carefully preen his wings to be sure he left no droplet of water behind.

If you go to the MSN page, there’s a linked video at the bottom of a little girl with a White Faced Scops also!

Direct Video Link

  • anon6789OP
    21 year ago

    Owls do not make good pets. Yaffle appears to be a retired education animal that still lives at a proper raptor facility with someone trained and licensed to do so though.

    Hi, if we haven’t met before I’m Yaffle and I’m a captive bred burrowing owl. I used to be based at a birds of prey centre where I did flying displays and educational talks and visits but now I live a life of (further) luxury with my hooman who hand raised me. I live with lots of other birds and animals including my girlfriend Henry who is a rescued tawny owl. Check Henry out on my page @yaffletheowl, she’s a beauty.

    We post to brighten your day and mix in a bit of owl facts and info now and then. Come join the fun @yaffletheowl , I can’t wait to meet you 🦉