Title. Basically, “if a street fighter gamer and a linux tryhard had a baby” where a combination of keys is issued to run a command/script rather than a single or a simultaneous stroke of two or more. i.e left, down, left, right arrow keys, R_CTRL to run Firefox. Right, right, Up, right arrow keys, delete to power off the PC, etc.

Don’t know if such command exists, but there you go.

Bonus points if its a standalone and supports X11, Wayland and Arcan.

  • Kurisu
    231 year ago

    Man I already can’t get my inputs right in games, If I ever whiff a fucking combo to start my browser I’m ending it all.

    • Rayspekt
      71 year ago

      You need to get out of the parking garage from Driver to boot your PC from now on.